Predloge e-poštnih sporočil z opravičilom vam pomagajo ohraniti pozitiven odnos s strankami in zmanjšati odpovedi. Predstavljamo vam nekaj predlogov za pravilno oblikovanje in pošiljanje učinkovitih opravičilnih e-poštnih sporočil po različnih situacijah.
Vsako podjetje občasno naredi napake. V večini primerov lahko preprosto, a profesionalno e-pošto z opravičilom spremeni dojemanje situacije na bolje in vam pomaga ohraniti odnos z njimi. Ne glede na to, kaj se je zgodilo in kdo je bil kriv, lahko dobro oblikovano, pravočasno pismo z opravičilom močno spremeni negativno izkušnjo strank v pozitivno, hkrati pa poveča zadrževanje strank in zmanjša odpovedi.
Pravzaprav bi se glede na poročilo RightNow 63 % potrošnikov po negativni izkušnji bilo pripravljenih vrniti v podjetje, če bi prejeli nadaljnjo opravičilo/popravek od nadzornika/glavne pisarne. Obenem pa lahko, če se sploh ne opravičiš ali daš slabo opravičilo, stvari zlahka poslabšajo. Spodaj je nekaj nasvetov, kako strankam napisati učinkovito e-pošto z opravičilom, skupaj z 10 že pripravljenimi predlogami opravičilnega pisma, ki jih lahko uporabite, ko se morate odzvati na podobno situacijo in se opravičiti v imenu svojega podjetja.
Ne glede na to, ali imate opravka s poškodovanimi izdelki, težavami z obračunavanjem, izpadi storitev, negativnimi izkušnjami s podporo strankam ali karkoli drugega, vam pri roki trdne predloge e-poštnih sporočil z opravičilom omogoča hitro in celovito odzivanje, ko kaj ne gre po načrtih. Tukaj je 10 predlog pisem z opravičilom, ki lahko služijo kot poziv za različne situacije, v katerih bi se morali opravičiti svojim strankam.
On behalf of our company, I want to apologize for sending you a defective item.
Our team tries to implement effective quality control for our products, but we failed this time, and we regret that your product slipped past our quality measures. I realize it was frustrating for you and I’m very sorry.
In order to make things right I’d like to propose two solutions:
[Solution 1: for example, full refund]
[Solution 2: for example, replace the product with a new one]
All you have to do is inform me what suits you best and leave the rest up to me.
Thank you for your patience.
We’re so sorry about the issues you’ve been having with [product]. We know how frustrating it is when technical issues prevent you from getting your work done.
This was likely caused by a malfunction in our own servers, so we’re actively trying to minimize the possibility of this happening again.
In the meantime, we’re going to give you back this month’s subscription cost as an additional apology.
Thank you for your patience. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like any help or more
I’m so sorry to hear about the poor experience you had with our customer support agent. I realize how frustrating it must be to [details of the issue]. We obviously failed this time, and for that, we are very sorry.
Our customer support reps have all been trained on how to handle our customers’ issues, including how to escalate problems that they are unable to assist with. However, as a result of this experience, we’ve decided to provide additional training to our entire customer support team to make sure that this won’t happen again.
As an additional apology, we’re sending you a 20% discount for your next order. You can use this code: [CODE]
Thank you for your patience and for bringing the issue to our attention. Let me know If there’s anything else we can do.
I want to apologize for our extended downtime yesterday. As stated in our SLAs, our team guarantees 99% uptime every day, and this was one of the few times we failed to uphold our standard. We realize we caused operational problems to you and we are very sorry for that.
This was likely caused by [explaining the reason].
We’ll do our best to make sure this doesn’t happen again. As an additional apology, we are offering [details of your offering].
Thank you for your patience and understanding. As always, if you have any questions or issues, please let us know.
Thank you for contacting our customer support and for bringing this issue to our attention. We’re so sorry that you were charged twice for the same product.
This is a terrible mistake caused by a glitch in our billing system, and we’re currently looking into how this could have happened. As soon as we find the bug in our system, we’re going to squash it!
In the meantime, we have refunded you the full amount of one of the charges, including extra charges and tax. Please allow 1-3 business days for the amount to appear back on your credit card.
Getting overcharged is a stressful and frustrating ordeal, and we’re sorry once again to have put you through that. If there are any other issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We blew it!
You may have noticed that our website had trouble today keeping up with the unexpectedly large amount of interest in our [details of promo] sale.
We’re happy to say this has now been fixed – hurrah!
If you had trouble shopping, don’t worry – we have extended our sale until [date]!
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
We just realized that the [type of emails] emails we’ve been sending to you lately might have not gotten through to you on time.
There has been a glitch in our database, but the good news is that it’s all sorted now, so you’ll be kept up-to-date with our exclusive deals and promotions. We’ll also make sure this doesn’t happen again.
We’re very sorry if in the meantime you’ve missed some of our offers. By way of an apology, we’d like to give you [details of your offer].
Thanks for understanding.
Due to [reasons], we must recall our [product]. We are very sorry that [product] has slipped past our quality standards.
If you have bought this item, please click below for details of how to return it and receive a full refund (plus a little extra compensation).
We will continue to create the products that our customers love, but with more extensive quality testing to ensure that this situation remains an isolated incident.
We thank you all for your loyalty over these [number] years that we have been in business — we will work hard to not disappoint you in the future. Once again, please accept our apologies for this unpleasant event.
As you may already know, at [time] today, we experienced [description of issue], which affected [number] customers. We realize that caused operational problems to many of you and we would like to apologize for that.
Here’s what happened: [details of the problem and status of the resolution].
Our company aims to offer the best possible service to our customers, and we know we’ve let you down. We are taking this incident very seriously and are doing a full analysis on this issue, the root cause, the impact, and how to prevent this from happening again.
As an additional apology, anyone who was affected by this will be able to [details of your offering]. While we understand it can’t exactly make up for the inconvenience we caused, we hope it’ll go some way towards making amends.
Thank you for your patience. If there is anything else our team can do to improve your experience, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email and ask.
I wanted to check in with you regarding the issue you had the other day with [details of the issue]. I know we let you down, and I’m sorry once again for that.
So, I’m following up on the solution we provided. Did it help? Could we have done better? Please let us know.
I’d be happy to assist if you have any other questions or concerns.
Zdaj, ko se veste, kako se opravičiti za napake, ki ste jih naredili, kaj pa, da se naučite vljudno zavračati zahteve strank?
Profesionalno opravičilo v e-pošti je treba opraviti tako, da iskreno priznate težavo in prevzamete odgovornost. Poleg tega poskusite ponuditi možno rešitev. Še pomembneje je, da ne kopirajte in prilepite splošnih opravičil.
Preprosto se jim zahvalite za e-pošto in izrazite, da cenite opravičilo/hiter odgovor.
1. Prevzemite odgovornost za napako.
2. Priznajte, da je bila napaka težava za vašo stranko.
3. Opravičilo.
4. Ponudite rešitve za odpravo napake.
5. Kot dokaz dobre vere naredite nekaj lepega za svojo stranko.
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E-poštne predloge za opustitev nakupovalne košarice
Merila socialne podpore strankam so zadovoljna s podporo na družbenih omrežjih, z povprečno oceno zadovoljstva 70%. LiveAgent ponuja različne funkcije, kot so programska oprema za klepet v živo, VoIP telefonski sistemi, samopostrežna programska oprema, in tudi e-poštne predloge za opuščene nakupovalne košarice.
Predloge e-poštnih sporočil z vsebino
Vsebinska e-poštna sporočila so učinkovita za oglaševalske akcije. Vključite prilagojen pozdrav, opomnik na izdelek ter močan CTA.
Predloge elektronske pošte portala za stranke
Predloge e-poštnih predlog za stranke omogočajo samopostrežno izmenjavo informacij, iskanje rešitev in postavljanje poizvedb. E-poštna sporočila za preverjanje, pozdravna in potrditvena sporočila ter ponastavitvena e-poštna sporočila z geslom so ključnega pomena. E-poštna sporočila s povratnimi informacijami in povabili so pomembna za vzpostavitev učinkovite komunikacije s strankami. Priporočljivo je uporabljati e-poštne predloge v obliki HTML za sporočila, ki spodbujajo k dejanju. Pomembno je tudi, da se e-poštna sporočila pošiljajo takoj, ko je to potrebno, da se uporabnikom omogoči nemoten dostop do portala za stranke.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team