Welcome to our affiliate program!

Earning money with LiveAgent Affiliate Program is easy. We do the work, and you earn cash. 

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3,000+ Trustpilot | GetApp | G2 crowd reviews

Customer providing review for service on mobile phone

Why should you join our affiliate program?

Money bag coin dollars

$5 signup bonus

Claim a $5 commission just for signing up to our affiliate program. It will be paid out in your first payout of earned commissions.

repeat icon

Recurring commissions

We provide a 20% commission from the initial payment + 20% commission of all recurring payments in your account. 

promo materials

Promo materials

Choose from a variety of affiliate links and banners. Tips, content materials, and a dedicated manager is available too. 

Manager - icon

Affiliate manager

A dedicated affiliate manager is available to help you with any questions regarding the promotion or getting the most of the program.

How does it work?

Our affiliate program is easy to use and highly accurate. The average conversion is 1:66 (depending on actual promotion or season), which means that one in every 66 visitors makes a purchase.

We do everything – host the products, handle downloads and customer queries, and you get paid by simply referring visitors to our websites. LiveAgent affiliate program offers real-time reports of your sales, traffic, account balance, and overall performance. 


The process is as follows:

Visitor clicks on an affiliate link on your site or in an email. The visitor’s IP is then logged, and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.

The visitor browses our site and may decide to order. 

If the visitor orders (the order does not need to be placed during the same browser session – cookies and IPs are stored indefinitely), the order will be registered as a sale for you and you will receive a commission for this sale. If a sale was referred by more affiliates, we will split the commission between all affiliates involved. 

Why LiveAgent?

You will get a $5 commission just for signing up for our affiliate program! It will be paid out with the first payout of earned commission as motivation to become our long-term partner.

You’ll get your commission if customers complete a purchase within 90 days. Nowadays, the trend is reducing cookie window, often down to a few hours. We are trying to keep our partnerships fair. 

We split the commission in case the sale was referred by more than one affiliate to all of them. Here is how it works: The first affiliate will get a 10% bonus – he introduced the customer to the brand. The last affiliate will get a 30% bonus – he convinced the customer to buy. We will split the rest of the commissions (60%) between all affiliates (including first and last) equally. 

Our payment processor charges us from every transaction the average fixed cost of 8%. Therefore, commissions are computed from 92% of the total order amount.

Payouts for sales referred in the previous month are made every month on the 15th. The minimum payout is $250, and you have to refer a minimum of two separate customers.

For the first sale of a hosted account, you will earn a 20% commission. From all other recurring sales, you will earn 20% commissions until the person who purchased our software via your link stopped payment. We believe recurring commissions form affiliate partnerships in a trustworthy manner. For more information regarding how our commissions are calculated, feel free to contact our support.

We are trying to build long-term relationships with our partners. Therefore, we always like to see niche blogs or review portals working with us. We prefer quality over generated content, and we are looking forward to any sort of referral, email, or social media traffic with added value for the user.

We are not allowing any PPC campaigns for our affiliate program because they tend to combat our activities. Also, we don’t allow any suspicious traffic from sources that are not helpful for our target audience.

Povezani članki zDobrodošli v našem pridruženem programu!
Odlična storitev za stranke se začne z boljšo programsko opremo službe za pomoč uporabnikom. Oglejte si prednosti LiveAgent in začnite v 5 minutah.

Zagotovite odlične storitve za stranke

Povečajte prihodek s klepetom v živo. Naša programska oprema vam omogoča povečanje zaslužka za 48 %. Prilagodljiva in enostavna za uporabo.

Ker je storitev za stranke sestavni del uporabniške izkušnje, izboljšanje izboljša izkušnjo vaših strank, zadrževanje in prihodek.

Vloga storitve za stranke v izkušnjah s strank

Ker je storitev za stranke sestavni del uporabniške izkušnje, izboljšanje izboljša izkušnjo vaših strank, zadrževanje in prihodek.

Želite avtomatizirati ponavljajoča se opravila agentov? Spoznajte avtomatizirane postopke za storitve za stranke in takoj izboljšajte svoje poslovanje.

Avtomatizirane storitve za stranke

Avtomatizacija storitev za stranke prinaša številne koristi, kot so hitrejši odzivni čas, večja učinkovitost in zadovoljstvo strank. Uporaba prednastavljenih sporočil, e-poštnih predlog, organizacija čakalnih vrst, članki z znanjem in avtomatizacija delovnih procesov so le nekateri primeri avtomatizacije storitev za stranke. LiveAgent pa predstavlja platformo za avtomatizacijo storitev za stranke.

S tem, ko sprejemate te pogoje uporabe ali dostopate do ali uporabljate storitev ali spletno mesto, potrjujete, da ste prebrali, razumeli in se strinjate, da vas ta pravila zavezujejo.

Pogoji & poslovanja

Enota za kakovost ponuja storitve prek spletnega mesta in API-ja LiveAgent. Uporaba storitve je dovoljena samo za notranje poslovne namene. Nakup paketa AppSumo vam omogoča doživljenjski dostop do dveh agentskih sedežev. Dodatni agenti se zaračunavajo mesečno glede na čas uporabe. Enota za kakovost si prizadeva za visoko stopnjo zadovoljstva strank in učinkovito upravljanje virov.

Voyced je evropski VoIP ponudnik, ki pokriva več kot 165 držav. Preberite več o integraciji Voyced z LiveAgent.


LiveAgent je programska oprema, ki ponuja pomoč strankam s klicnim centrom, integracijami in sistemom za upravljanje pritožb ter omogoča tudi uporabo VoIP telefonskih sistemov. LiveAgent zagotavlja podporno portal in stanje sistema ter omogoča selitev podatkov, partnerski program ter druge dodatne možnosti. Lahko se naročite na novice za najnovejše informacije o posodobitvah in popustih. Poleg tega lahko rezervirate klic ena na ena, da izveste, kako lahko LiveAgent koristi vašemu podjetju. LiveAgent zagotavlja tudi politiko varnosti zasebnosti in se redno posodablja.

Prijavite se za naš partnerski program LiveAgent. Preberite več in ugotovite, zakaj je vredno postati podružnica LiveAgent.

Prijava v partnerski program LiveAgent

LiveAgent je programska oprema za podporo strankam, ki nudi enostavno uporabo, avtomatizacijo ter stabilnost, kar uporabniki radi pohvalijo. Podjetja so se odločila za LiveAgent zaradi boljših funkcij, cene ter podpore strankam, in sicer zaradi možnosti 24/7 podpore ter brezplačnih preskusnih različic. Poleg tega LiveAgent pomaga pri povečanju zagovorništva strank, zvestobi strank ter izboljšanju hitrosti odziva s službo za pomoč strankam. LiveAgent je najbolj pregledana in ocenjena programska oprema za pomoč uporabnikom za mala in srednje velika podjetja v letu 2020.

Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.

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