Predloge za odgovor na pritožbe strank na družbenih medijih. Vključuje pogosta vprašanja, odgovore in nasvete za reševanje pritožb. Ohranite ugled vaše blagovne znamke in zadovoljite stranke.
Tudi če svoje podjetje vodite skrbno in ste zelo organizirani, se boste morali prej ali slej spopasti z nezadovoljnimi ali nezadovoljnimi strankami. Enostavno ne moreš ugoditi vsem. Seveda se morate potruditi, a če vam ne uspe, se morate soočiti s posledicami.
Če se stranke pritožujejo neposredno vam, morate biti hvaležni. Stranke imajo veliko priložnosti, da svoje nesreče javno delijo z vašim podjetjem, kar lahko škodi ugledu vaše blagovne znamke. Zasebno prejemanje negativnih povratnih informacij v vaš nabiralnik družbenih medijev vam daje več časa in prostora, da popravite stvari, preden negativna izkušnja uide izpod nadzora.
Vzroki za nezadovoljstvo strank izhajajo iz razlik med pričakovanji glede izdelka ali storitve in njegovo dejansko učinkovitostjo. Včasih so pritožbe strank upravičene, včasih pa ne. Vendar, ne glede na razlog za nezadovoljstvo, pritožbe ne morete prezreti.
Obstaja več modelov za upravljanje pritožb, vendar je naslednjih pet korakov najpomembnejših in jih je treba upoštevati:
I am sorry to hear that [the cause of the customer’s complaint]. I understand how unpleasant this experience must have been for you, and I’m ashamed of our customer service.
This shouldn’t have happened to you or any of our customers.
I’m forwarding your message to the appropriate department within our company.
I’m putting the highest priority on this problem you’re facing, and our team is already working to resolve the issue and help you. I’ll notify you right away when we have a solution.
I appreciate you spending the time to share your negative experience with us. This kind of feedback helps us grow and makes our company better.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions, concerns, or comments.
[rep’s name], the [company] customer service team
Thank you for leaving your comment. We try very hard to make every customer’s experience enjoyable, and we really regret not being able to meet your expectations this time.
We will do our best to resolve this issue as soon as possible and find a solution that works for you.
Please send us a message directly to this email [email address], and we would love to continue this conversation!
The [company] social media team
I am [name], and I am the [director/manager] of customer service at [company]. Our company is recognized for our exemplary customer service, and I sincerely apologize for your recent experience with us.
We have your contact details and will reach out to you as soon as possible to solve this issue.
If it’s more convenient for you, please contact me personally at [phone/email], and I will do my best to resolve your problem.
Thank you for your message. All comments from our customers are important to us, and we are sorry to hear that you had such a frustrating experience.
I hope you can see from our reviews that your situation is an exception and could not be further from our high standards. This only makes us want to resolve this problem as soon as possible and ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Please send a message to our customer service team at [email/phone] to inform them of all the details, and we promise to work out a satisfactory solution for you.
The [company] social media team
Thank you very much for bringing this problem to our attention, and please allow me to apologize for the unacceptable treatment you have received.
Keeping our clients happy is our number one priority, and I would like to ask for another opportunity to retain you as a customer.
Please call me at [phone number] or, if you prefer, we can contact you at a time that is convenient for you.
[rep’s name], the [company] customer service team
Da, na vse pritožbe strank bi morali odgovoriti. Še več, posebno pozornost bi morali posvetiti vsaki negativni povratni informaciji, ki jo prejmete, in raziskati, kaj je povzročilo, da te stranke niso bile zadovoljne z vašim izdelkom ali storitvijo.
Če je pritožba stranke upravičena in je vaše podjetje naredilo napako, morate vsekakor reči, da vam je žal. Če njihova pritožba ne odraža realnosti, bi morali biti še vedno profesionalni in se s stranko obnašati spoštljivo, vendar poskusite dokazati, da nimajo prav, namesto da se opravičite.
Narediti morate vse, kar je mogoče, da popravite svojo napako. Če ste poslali napačen izdelek, ga zamenjajte z novim. Če funkcija vaše programske opreme ne deluje pravilno, jo čim prej popravite. Vendar pa obstajajo nekatere težave, ki jih ne morete odpraviti takoj. V takih primerih morate poskusiti nadomestiti napako, ki jo je naredilo vaše podjetje. Na primer, če vodite restavracijo in stranka ni zadovoljna z obrokom, ki so ji ga postregli, ji lahko ponudite brezplačno kosilo ali dodatno pijačo kot obliko nadomestila.
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Sign up for our free 14-day trial today, and reply to social media messages directly from your LiveAgent dashboard. No credit<br> card required.
Upravljanje vsebin vs upravljanje znanja
Upravljanje vsebin se osredotoča na ustvarjanje, organiziranje in objavo digitalnih vsebin, medtem ko se upravljanje znanja osredotoča na zajemanje, organiziranje in deljenje znanja znotraj organizacije. Obe sta ključni za učinkovito upravljanje informacij in spodbujanje rasti in inovacij v organizaciji.
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Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team