LiveAgent ponuja predloge za odzive na zahtevke za povrnitev kupnine, ki vključujejo prošnje za povratne informacije in nasvete za odziv, če stranka ne prejme vračila. Cilj je spoštovati zahteve strank in ponuditi alternativne rešitve.
Vračanje izdelkov, preklici in povrnitev nakupa so realnost vodenja spletnega posla. Seveda si kar najbolj želite, da do zahtevkov po vračilu ne prihaja, nekatere stranke pa ne bodo zadovoljne z vašim izdelkom – ne glede na to, da vi mislite, da je odličen – in bodo zahtevale vračilo denarja. Veliko razlogov je lahko, zaradi katerih kupci zahtevajo vračilo. Morda so se odločili, da vaš izdelek ali storitev nista prava za vas, morda pa le ni pravi čas za uporabo.
Ne glede na razlog, način, kako se odzovete na te zahteve za vračilo, pogosto postane odločilni dejavnik pri njihovi splošni izkušnji z vašim podjetjem. Če niste prepričani, kako z vračilom ravnati z milostjo, izkoristite naše že pripravljene e-poštne predloge za odgovor na zahtevo za vračilo, ki vam lahko pridejo prav pri izdelavi lastnih odgovorov.
Jasno definirajte vašo politiko vračanja in zagotovite, da je lahko dostopna na vaši spletni strani (na vašem portalu za stranke). Politika mora vsebovati vse pogoje, roke in sprejemljive razloge za vračilo. Na ta način lahko vedno usmerite stranke na vašo politiko, kadar zahtevajo vračilo. Brez tega nimate avtoritete za zavračanje zahtevkov že na samem začetku.
Ko dobite zahtevek za vračilo, reagirajte čim hitreje. Ker je stranka že nezadovoljna z izkušnjo, bi jo morebitno daljše čakanje le še bolj frustriralo. Če niste prepričani, kako bi nadaljevali, ji dajte potrditev, da ste prejeli njen zahtevek in se ji oglasite takoj, ko bo to mogoče.
Zelo hitro lahko postanete razdraženi, slabe volje in defenzivni, ko nekdo slabo govori o vaših izdelkih ali storitvi in zahteva vračilo denarja. Nobena od teh emocij vam ne bo pomagala rešiti situacije in zagotoviti zadovoljstva stranke. Vzemite si nekaj časa in skrbno premislite zahtevek in poskrbite, da vaš odziv ne bo izzivalen.
Ko ste se odločili, kako boste odgovorili na strankin zahtevek za vračilo, obvestite o tem stranko, opravičite svojo odličitev in pojasnite naslednje korake, ki jih boste povzeli. Če boste stranki vrnili stroške nakupa, mu pojasnite, kako in kdaj bo prejel denar. Če boste zahtevo zavrnili, stranki pojasnite, zakaj njen zahtevek ne ustreza politiki vračila vašega podjetja.
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V veliko primerih boste lahko uredili zahtevke strank na najrazličnejše načine, brez, da bi jim dejansko morali povrniti denar. Če boste lahko bolje razumeli zahteve in potrebe stranke, boste lahko prilagodili ponudbo ali drugo rešitev, ki bo zadovoljila vašo stranko.
Zahtevek za vračilo je vedno priložnost, da dobite povratne informacije od stranke. Če razlog za vračilo ni jasen, postavite nekaj dodatnih vprašanj, da dobite informacijo o tem, kaj so od izdelka pričakovali in kaj je šlo narobe. Čeprav povratne informacije ne bodo pozitivne, vam bodo dale dragocen nasvet, kako v bodoče bolje zadovoljite stranke.
Email predloge za odzive na zahtevke po vračilu so eden od najbolj kritičnih predlog za email storitve za stranke, ki jih morate urejati za zagotovitev hitrih in profesionalnih odzivov na strankine zahtevke po vračilu.
Hi [Name],
Thanks for reaching out. Satisfying our customers is very important to us and I’m sorry our [product/ service] didn’t meet your expectations. I fully respect your decision and can only apologize for any problems your business experienced.
We’ve processed your refund, and you should expect to see the amount credited to your account in about 3 to 5 business days.
If you have any other questions or concerns, just reply to this email, I’ll be here to help you in any way I can.
Hi [Name],
Thank you for reaching out to request a refund on your purchase of [name of product/ service].
I’m sorry to hear that our product didn’t meet your requirements. I completely understand that it isn’t for everyone.
Because your request falls under our refund policy [briefly state refund policy], we will gladly honor your decision. We have issued a refund to your [original payment method]. It may take up to [number of days] to see the amount reimbursed to your account.
If you’re still on the lookout for the right choice for you, please let me know. I’d be happy to talk you through some of our other options and see if any of them feel like a good fit.
Thank you for your time and for giving us a try.
Hi [Name],
I noticed you’ve issued a refund request for [product/ service]. I’m sorry to hear we weren’t able to meet your expectations. We’ve processed your refund and you should expect to see the credit appear on your billing statement within 1-3 business days – depending on your bank.
Is there something we could have done better? What specifically was it about the product that you didn’t like? We’re always looking for customer feedback we can use to improve, so anything you can tell us is helpful.
Thank you in advance!
Hi [Name],
We’re so sorry to hear you’re not happy with your product, but we also fully respect your decision.
We’ve processed your refund request, and you should expect to see the amount appear in your bank account in the next couple of business days.
Once more, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. In case you’re still in search of a similar product, feel free to reach out as we would love to assist you in finding the right product for you.
Thank you for your feedback, as this will help us improve our [product/ service].
Hi [Name],
Thank you for reaching out and for bringing this to our attention. I am sorry that you’re disappointed with [name of product/ service]. Could you please let me know what specific issues you’ve encountered? I’d love to help where I can and pass along your suggestions to our team, but I need just a bit more information before doing so.
I understand how it can be frustrating [to purchase a product/ sign up for a service] and not have it meet your expectations, so hopefully, we can get this sorted out for you. If not, I’ll be happy to issue you a refund.
Please let me know how you’d like to proceed.
Hi [Name],
Thanks so much for reaching out. I’m so sorry the product hasn’t worked out for you.
Unfortunately, our return policy allows for all merchandise to be returned up to 90 days after purchase, in like-new condition. Since your item shows signs of heavy use, we will not be able to refund you. Here is the link to our refund policy in case you need to reference it in the future: [link].
I can, however, provide you with a store credit for your purchase. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
If you have any questions or concerns, I’d be happy to help.
Hi [Name],
I’m reaching out about the refund you initiated on [date].
Your refund has been deposited into your [original method of payment]. Typically, it takes 3 to 5 business days for the receiving bank to credit the money to your account.
If you don’t see the refund in your account, reply to this email, and we’ll look into it immediately. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns — I’d be happy to help!
Hey [Name],
Just wanted to let you know that your payment has been refunded. If you paid with PayPal, you will see the refund in your account immediately. If you paid with a credit card, it will take anywhere between [number] business for the refund to be processed on your card.
We sincerely hope that you can find your way back to [brand/ product name] someday, and please let us know if there is any way we can improve our product to make it better!
Hi [Name],
I’m so sorry to hear that a refund hasn’t been deposited into your [original method of payment].
I’ve contacted our accounting department to look into this issue for you. A refund has been issued, but it may take a few days for your bank to process the transaction.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. In the meantime, feel free to reply to this email with any questions or concerns, and I’d be happy to assist you further.
Način, na katerega urejate vračilo izdelkov in kupnine, lahko določi o tem, ali ste sposobni vzdrževati odnose s strankami in pozitivno izkušnjo strank. V veliko primerih se bodo kupci v primeru nebolečega vračila še raje vračali in vašo blagovno znamko priporočili drugim zaradi pozitivne izkušnje s storitvijo tudi, če jim izdelek ni bil pisan na kožo.
Nekaj ključnih točk, ki so vključene v vaš email odziv na zahtevek po vračilu je:
Če morate zavrniti zahtevek za vračilo, reagirajte na način, kot odgovarjate sicer na pritožbe strank. Potrdite njihov zahtevek, pokažite nekaj empatije, poskrbite za natančno pojasnilo, zakaj ne morete sprejeti vračila (potekla garancija, zamujen rok za vračilo, stanje izdelka itd.) in ponudite alternativo, če je mogoče.
Če stranka ni prejela vračila, je največkrat za zamudo odgovorna bančna stran. Opozorite stranko, da je največkrat potrebno počakati več delovnih dni za procesiranje vračila, odvisno od posamezne banke. Pokažite jasno namero za reševanje težave, če povračilo ni prispelo.
Predloge e-poštnih sporočil s popustom
Odkrijte pripravljene predloge e-poštnih sporočil s popustom na LiveAgent. Enostavno kopirajte in prilepite, da izboljšate svoje marketinške kampanje in povečate prodajo. Uporabite naše brezplačne predloge za učinkovito komuniciranje s strankami in dvignite svoje storitve na višjo raven.
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team