Izkoristite pozitiven občutek pri novih naročnikih in jih nagovorite s prilagojenim e-poštnim sporočilom za prijavo na glasilo. Personalizirana sporočila povečujejo odzivnost in lahko vodijo do večje prodaje. Preberite o predlogah za e-pošto, ki vam bodo pri tem pomagale.
Ko se nekdo naroči na redno dostavo vaših novic v njihov nabiralnik, prejemnik zelo zaupa vašemu podjetju. Ta novi naročnik se zavezuje na podlagi svojih prejšnjih izkušenj z vašo blagovno znamko ali podjetjem in vsebine, s katero se je že seznanil.
Izkoristite čim bolj pozitiven občutek, ki je določenega uporabnika spodbudil, da postane vaš naročnik na glasilo. To je tako kot potreba po izkoriščanju dobrega občutka, ki ga ima bodoča stranka običajno, preden opravi nakup in postane polnopravna stranka. Eden najboljših načinov, kako izkoristiti to priložnost, je pošiljanje e-pošte za prijavo na glasilo, ki je osredotočeno na stranke, ki izstopa v prenatrpanih nabiralnikih s pozdravnim in prilagojenim sporočilom, hkrati pa vsebuje dodano vrednost za prejemnika.
Kaj pravzaprav je e-poštni naslov za prijavo na glasilo?
A newsletter sign-up email is a welcome message that you send to new subscribers. It is the first communication that you will have with a user when they begin the new phase of their relationship with your business, which in this case is agreeing to receive regular content via email. Leveraging email to nurture that relationship is an effective marketing strategy that can build trust in a brand by providing additional information and added value.
Za razliko od drugih vrst pozdravnih sporočil ni nujno, da je e-poštno sporočilo za prijavo na glasilo prvi vtis, ki ga naredite na uporabnika, saj je že sodeloval z vašo vsebino, preden se je odločil naročiti. Namen teh e-poštnih sporočil je vzpostaviti povezavo med vašim podjetjem in prejemnikom vaših glasil, kar je bolj ali manj enako kot pri vseh drugih vrstah e-pošte dobrodošlice.
Zadeva e-pošte za prijavo na glasilo
E-poštne predloge za prijavo na glasilo
E-poštne predloge za prijavo na glasilo 1 – dobrodošlica od osebe
Thanks for subscribing to the [company] newsletter.
I just wanted to take the time to thank you personally for choosing to receive updates from us. It means a lot to have readers like you on board.
Below are a few extra pieces of advice related to [today’s/this week’s/this month’s] update on [topic] that I think you will find worthwhile:
Tip 1
Tip 2
Tip 3…
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
E-poštne predloge za prijavo na glasilo 2 – vsebine v zameno za naročnino
As a token of our appreciation please find the [ebook/whitepaper/other gated content] that you requested attached to this email.
We are confident that you’ll find both the regular newsletter and the additional content useful to solve [pain point] in the field of [topic].
If you want to find out more before the next update, feel free to get in touch.
The [company] team
[Download attachment(s)]
E-poštne predloge za prijavo na glasilo 3 – promocijo dodatne vsebine
Firstly, I would like to say thank you on behalf of everyone at [company] for subscribing to our newsletter.
We’re sure that you won’t regret it, and that you’ll find the regular updates on [topic] landing in your inbox every [day/week/month] to be very useful.
Secondly, I thought you might be interested to know about some additional content related to the subject that can be found on our website here [link].
From the feedback of our existing subscribers, we have found that the material below, has been helpful to them:
Additional content 1
Additional content 2
Additional content 3…
Please let us know if you’d like to learn about anything else, or just keep an eye out for the next issue of our newsletter.
Best wishes,
[Name], [position] at [company]
Ali bi morala biti vsa e-poštna sporočila za prijavo na glasilo prilagojena?
Businesses can increase their click-through rates by sending emails from a specific person rather than just a generic company email. Moreover, emails that are personalized and address the recipient by name can increase loyalty, trust, and engagement.
Kakšne so prednosti pošiljanja e-poštnih sporočil za prijavo na novice?
Welcome emails can have much greater open rates. As such, welcome emails can be used to generate more revenue than other promotional emails in the long run (by providing valuable content that engages recipients).
Kaj naj vsebuje e-poštna sporočila za prijavo na glasilo?
First of all, since welcome emails may be the first communication that a new subscriber receives from a business, they should show gratitude to the recipient in order to create a good first impression. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in building trust and loyalty at the beginning of what will hopefully be a long and happy customer-business relationship.
Na tej točki lahko predstavite tudi nekatere svoje izdelke ali storitve, da boste svoje naročnike razlikovali med tistimi, ki jim je mar samo za vaše glasila, in tistimi, ki bi jih zanimalo več vrst vsebine, in ustrezno segmentirajte vašo bazo podatkov.
Finally, you may choose to offer additional materials to direct your subscribers towards purchasing your products.
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Upravljanje vsebin vs upravljanje znanja
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team