Naučite se oblikovati učinkovite preklicne email predloge za zmanjšanje izgube strank in izboljšanje podpore. Prilagodite predloge svojim potrebam in ohranjajte komunikacijo kratko, prijazno in empatično.
Preklici so neizogibni v SaaS poslovanju. Tudi najbolj lojalne dolgoletne stranke, za katere ste mislili, da bodo z vami za vedno, bodo morda preklicale naročnino kot strela iz jasnega. Morda niso dosegle pričakovanih rezultatov, ker niste poskrbeli, da bi realizirali potreben ROI vaših izdelkov. Morda so našle boljšo rešitev (s širšim naborom funkcij in dostopnejšo ceno), ali pa enostavno več ne potrebujejo vaših izdelkov ali storitev. Kakorkoli že, preklic ne pomeni vedno konec vašega razmerja s stranko.
Način, kako upravljate s preklici, naredi razliko in začne se z vašimi emaili za preklic – email sporočili, ki se pošljejo, ko naročnik prekine plačljivo naročnino. Bolj kot vabilo nazaj igra pomembno vlogo pri ohranjanju strank email sporočilo. Pogosto se pojavi priložnost, da stranko znova privabimo nazaj. Zato naj bodo vaši emaili po preklicu več kot zgolj ‘nasvidenje’ – oblikovani naj bodo za pozitiven vtis. Spodaj je nekaj osnovnih nasvetov za izdelavo emailov za preklic vključno z že pripravljenimi predlogami, ki jih popravite in uporabite.
Dokazano je, da sporočila ob preklicu delujejo najbolje, če so kratka in enostavna. V svoj email vključite le štiri najpomembnejše točke:
Poznavanje razlogov za preklic in kje ste ga polomili, zna postati boleče, vendar pa neprecenljivo za vaše poslovanje. Spremljanje razlogov, ki stojijo za preklici, je velika priložnost za uravnoteženje povratnih informacij strank, izboljša vašo ponudbo za bodoče stranke in zmanjšuje število odpovedi.
Sporočilo za preklic mora biti tipično kratko, ni pa potrebno, da je preveč formalno in hladno. Poudarite, da ni nobenih zamer z vključevanjem izrazov v smislu “Veseli bomo, če ostanete z nami, vendar razumemo odpoved” lahko vaš email naredi bolj oseben in človeški, čeprav je sporočilo avtomatsko.
Design your own cancellation templates
LiveAgent gives you the power to design your own customer email templates, thus helping you to improve the customer service. Curious about all the opportunities?
Hi [Name],
Thanks for being part of the [Brand] community. As requested, your subscription has been successfully canceled, and your card will no longer be charged.
We’d love to hear about your experience and how you think we can improve [Product/ Service] for other members (and you, if you decide to come back!)
Take the Survey
Just a heads up – you’ll still have access to [your account/ data/ message history/ free features], etc. If you decide you’d like to continue [using Product/ Service], you can resume your membership at any time.
We hope to see you around!
Hey [Name],
I noticed you canceled your [Product/ Service] account. No worries!
Did you expect something different, or was it missing something you needed? Your feedback helps us improve [Product/ Service], so it would be great to hear from you.
Hello [Name],
We successfully canceled your subscription for [Product/ Service].
We’re sorry to see you go! To help us improve our [product/ service], we would appreciate it if you took a moment to fill out this quick survey.
What was the reason for the cancelation? (Select up to 3 reasons):
It was not effective, and I didn’t achieve the results I wanted
It doesn’t integrate with our other tools or systems
It lacks key features or functionality
It was difficult to use
It’s too expensive
Customer support was unsatisfactory
This was a test account
My organization closed
If you don’t mind sharing, which [tool/ platform/ software] will you use now?
What can we do to improve?
Hi [Name],
We’re sorry you had to cancel your [Product/ Service] subscription. Can we ask why you’re leaving? Your answer will help us make [Product/ Service] better for everyone.
Technical issues
Missing key features I need
Not sure how to use the tool
Too expensive
Switching to another product
Shutting down the company
Other (please explain below)
Appreciate your help and honest feedback!
Hi [Name],
You’ve recently canceled your [Product/ Service] account and mentioned it was because of technical issues.
We’re really sorry about that. We do our best to make sure our service is accessible and reliable, but sometimes things fall through the cracks.
If you wouldn’t mind letting us know, we’d love to hear more about what technical issues you had so we can get to the bottom of it and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Thanks so much!
Hey [Name],
Your [Product] Premium subscription has been canceled and will end on [date]. Until then, you will still have access to your Premium features.
When your subscription expires, you will still be able to [use free features]. You can come back and enjoy [Product] Premium anytime by re-subscribing. We’ll always be here if you need any help.
Thanks for being a customer,
Hi [Name],
Thank you for being a part of the [Membership name]. As you requested, we’ve canceled your membership effective [date].
We’d love to have you back, but we completely understand that this may not be the best option for you right now. If you ever change your mind, made this request in error, you can restart your membership anytime to enjoy [key membership benefits].
Restart Membership
If there’s anything we can do to help, please let us know. Visit our Help Center for more info or reach out to our support team.
Best of luck!
Hi [Name],
It looks like you haven’t signed in to your account for a while. [Product/ Service] accounts are automatically deactivated after [number] days of inactivity. Your account will be deactivated in [number] days.
Thank you for trying [Product/ Service]. We’d love you to stick around, but we completely understand that [Product/ Service] isn’t for everyone.
Let us know if you have any questions or need help keeping your account.
Hi [Name],
Something went wrong, and we were unable to process the charges on your credit card ending in [last four digits]. Unfortunately, we had to cancel your [Product/ Service] subscription.
But don’t worry, we understand that sometimes these things happen. You can always reactivate your [Product/ Service] subscription at any time.
Reactivate [Product/ Service] Account
If you have any questions or issues, don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re just an email away.
Hope to see you back soon.
Kako vaše podjetje odgovarja strankam, ki prekličejo naročnino, premium račun ali članstvo, ima pomemben vpliv ne glede na rezultat. Dobro oblikovana sporočila ob preklicu vam lahko vrnejo stranke, popravijo odnose s strankami, ki bi bile sicer izgubljene in zadržuje stranke ter preprečuje odliv.
Vprašanje stranki, zakaj preklicuje naročnino, vam lahko poda globje razumevanje njenih potreb, pričakovanj in dragocen vpogled na izboljšanje izdelkov, strategije in blagovne znamke. Če ugotovite, da večina strank odpoveduje zaradi pomanjkanja funkcionalnosti, bi bilo dobro razmisliti o funkcionalnostih in opraviti izboljšave.
Osebno sledenje strankam, ki so preklicale storitev, dodaja več človeškega tona vašim sporočilom in gradi na zaupanju. Čeprav vsakokratno osebno pošiljanje ni vedno mogoče, bi bilo morda to dobro za vaše najbolj lojalne in dragocene stranke. Namesto pošiljanja generičnih in informiranih sporočil ob preklicu, razmislite z dolgoletnimi strankami nadaljevati osebno. Morda bo to povečalo stopnjo ponovnega vračanja in pridobivanja zaupanja nazaj.
E-poštne predloge za opustitev nakupovalne košarice
Odkrijte učinkovite e-poštne predloge za zmanjšanje opustitve nakupovalnih košaric in povečanje prihodkov vašega spletnega podjetja. Preberite o najboljših strategijah, idejah za naslove in primerih predlog, ki bodo pritegnile vaše stranke nazaj k nakupu.
Zahvalne e-poštne predloge e-trgovine
Odkrijte učinkovite zahvalne e-poštne predloge za e-trgovino, ki vam pomagajo vzpostaviti zaupanje in povečati prodajo. Naučite se, kako ohranjati pozitivne odnose s strankami z brezplačnimi predlogami, ki jih lahko kopirate in prilepite. Preverite raznolike vrste zahvalnih sporočil za nove in obstoječe stranke ter izboljšajte svoj marketinški načrt.
Osvojite svoje nezainteresirane stranke z brezplačnimi e-poštnimi predlogami za ponovno vključitev na LiveAgent. Prilagodljive predloge vam pomagajo ohranjati zvestobo strank s posebnimi ponudbami in večstopenjskimi kampanjami. Spodbujajte sodelovanje in povečajte prodajo s temi učinkovitimi orodji!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.