Predloge zavrnitvenih pisem učijo podjetja, kako vljudno reči ne strankam, ne da bi izgubili posel ali zadovoljstvo strank. Vključujejo korake, kot so preoblikovanje 'ne' v pozitivni jezik, izražanje empatije in ponujanje alternativ.
Čeprav želi vsako podjetje vsakič ugoditi svojim strankam, ni vedno mogoče reči da na vse zahteve strank. Če sprejmemo idejo, da ima stranka vedno prav, je težje ugotoviti, kako strankam reči ne, ne da bi jih razočarali ali izgubili. Ko pa stranka zahteva nekaj, kar ni na voljo, je nerazumno ali preprosto nemogoče zagotoviti, bi se morali vsi, ki so vključeni v neposredno interakcijo s strankami, popolnoma zavedati, kako strankam reči ne na vljuden način.
Kako reči ne zahtevam ali zahtevam strank, ne da bi bile stranke jezne, razočarane ali razočarane? Tukaj je nekaj osnov, ki jih morate upoštevati, ko morate strankam ali potencialnim strankam napisati zavrnilno pismo.
Ne glede na to, ali gre za strah pred slabim ugledom, uničenjem vašega odnosa s stranko ali popolno izgubo njihovega posla, je lahko zavrnitev zahtev strank izziv, če tega ne veste na profesionalen način. Pravzaprav je učenje, kako reči ne, bistvena veščina, zlasti za tiste, ki delajo na položajih, obrnjenih k strankam. Spodaj je nekaj standardnih predlog zavrnitvenih pisem, ki jih lahko uporabite (in prilagodite) za interakcije s strankami.
Dear [NAME],
Unfortunately, I’m unable to process your refund/ return/ exchange request because the product has been damaged after the delivery.
I understand this is not the message you wanted to hear and it must be disappointing given that you didn’t get to use it much.
We do accept this damage was most likely caused unintentionally, so as a gesture of goodwill we’d be happy to provide you with a 20% discount off your future purchase. Simply use this code: [NAME] to redeem it.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I will always do whatever I can to assist you.
Hi [NAME],
I have attached a short instruction that will walk you through the process of doing X. You can easily get this ready in less than no time.
In case you do face any difficulties, please don’t hesitate to reach me. We can get on a call and I will guide you step by step.
Hi [NAME],
I’m so glad you’re interested in cooperating with our company on your new project.
As much as I’d love to meet to personally, I’m unfortunately unavailable to travel this week due to existing commitments and can’t give you the time you deserve to discuss this further.
However, I’m happy to start the conversation now via email if that works for you?
Would love to hear your thoughts on this. And if you’d prefer to discuss in person, I’m available [DATES] and would be happy to talk more about it then.
Thanks for understanding,
Hi [NAME],
Thanks a lot for sending us the details of [PROJECT NAME], it really sounds like a great opportunity!
However, after reading through the proposal and having a discussion with my team, we’ve decided that unfortunately we won’t be able to take on this project.
Though we’d love to move forward with this, at this moment we simply don’t have enough resources that this project deserves.
Should things change in the nearest future, I will definitely be in tough and let you know.
Best regards,
Zavrnitveno pismo je uradno pismo, s katerim se prosilca obvesti, da ne bo zaposlen.
Pismo mora na kratko povzeti glavni razlog, zakaj prosilca ni bilo treba zaposliti. Pismo se mora končati z zahvalo. Poleg tega je treba pismo o zavrnitvi poslati v enem tednu po razgovoru.
Pismo naj bo naslovljeno na vlagatelja in napisano v tretji osebi. Biti mora strokovno, vljudno in kratko.
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Predloge e-pošte z zaprto vsebino
Vključite stranke in z lahkoto pošljite e-pošto z zaprto vsebino. Naše e-poštne predloge z zaprto vsebino so pripravljene za uporabo in popolnoma prilagodljive.
Predloge e-pošte za ponovno sodelovanje
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Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team