Kaj je programska oprema za klepet?
Programska oprema za klepet je najlažji in ne drag način komunikacije v realnem času med organizacijo in njenimi strankami ter obiskovalci spletnega mesta. Skupina za pomoč strankam ga uporablja za hiter odziv na poizvedbe.
Every live chat software provider offers many functions and features. In LiveAgent, you are able to set up chat invitations on your website, customize a chat button, see what your customers are typing on Live chat and much more. It brings many business benefits to your organization.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is chat software?
Chat software is a service that enables real-time customer support. It acts as an instant messaging service through which your customers can contact you.
Does LiveAgent offer chat software?
LiveAgent offers chat software. Thanks to this functionality and its advanced features, you save time and can spend it on building relationships during a conversation in real time.
What are must-have features of chat software?
There are a few essential features that should be in a chat software. The first of these features are automatic messages that enable proactive customer service. The ready-made answers to frequently asked questions are an important function. Thanks to this option, the customer will get a quick answer, and the agent does not have to think about what to reply with for a while. Another feature is manual messaging, which gives you the chance to build a relationship with your client. The chat form is also important, as it allows you to collect customer contact details before starting the conversation. It should be important for both the service team and the customers that the customer can rate the chat. This is important feedback for the team.
Orodja za klepet omogočajo komunikacijo v realnem času, prenos besedilnih sporočil, slik, video posnetkov in povezav ter skupno rabo zaslona. LiveAgent ponuja 15 funkcij klepeta v živo, ki omogočajo hitro storitev za stranke po ugodni ceni. Poleg tega omogoča tudi druge funkcije, kot so spremljanje obiskovalcev spletnega mesta in uporaba prednastavljenih odgovorov.
Pomoč strankam je niz storitev, ki jih podjetja ponujajo strankam, ko kupijo izdelek ali storitev. To vključuje reševanje težav in poizvedb ter uporabo različnih kanalov komunikacije, kot so e-pošta, telefon, klepet v živo in socialni mediji. Pomembna je tudi ustvarjanje baze zvestih strank in učinkovitost dela.