Učinkovita uporaba baze znanja in samopostrežnih storitev lahko znatno izboljša zadovoljstvo strank. Predstavniki podjetja se lahko vključijo v dnevne operacije, vendar to ni nujno. Pravila uporabe je treba jasno opredeliti, da se prepreči neprimerno vedenje.
Every company that strives to provide excellent customer service should offer their customers self-service options like a customer portal, knowledge base, robust FAQ library, and community forum. Customers will surely use these tools, appreciate the opportunity to look for information on their own, and take advantage of the possibility to consult with others about issues they may face while using your product or service.
Zahvaljujoč bazi znanja in portalu za stranke lahko uporabniki vnaprej preverijo članke o izdelku, navodila ali tehnične nasvete. Lahko tudi na forumu postavijo vprašanja ali debatirajo o različnih temah z drugimi strankami in predstavniki podjetja.
V tem članku želimo debatirati o vlogi, ki jo vaši predstavniki igrajo v dnevnih operacijah v bazi znanja in na portalu za stranke. Njihove dolžnosti naj vključujejo:
Vsi vemo, da upravljanje z nestandardnimi vprašanji in primeri vedno zahteva več dela, kot spremljanje osnovnih procesov. Zato smo ustvarili nekaj primerov odgovorov za bazo znanja, ki jih vaš agent lahko uporabi pri odgovarjanju na vprašanja glede višanja ali nižanja cen, komentira negativno izkušnjo stranke z vašim podjetjem ali ima pogovor glede konflikta med uporabniki baze znanja.
Hello [user’s name or users’ names]! Thank you for starting this discussion. We really value the opinions of our customers, but we also want you to understand certain actions taken by [company’s name].
This [price reduction/increase/sales] was caused by [list of reasons for the specific situation].
We didn’t make this decision overnight, and it was preceded by a thorough analysis and consultation with some of our clients, who were selected at random.
We hope you understand [company’s name] reasons. Please note that we are open to having conversations with you about this and can continue this discussion further. We want to hear you out!
Hi [user’s name or users’ names]! We appreciate the fact that you decided to discuss your experience of [negative experience the customer mentioned or the alternative discussed] openly on our forum.
This gives us a chance to react and creates a field for discussion. It would be really helpful for us if you could provide us with some more details about [negative experience/alternative]. [When exactly did it occur? / What was the most frustrating aspect for you? / What features does this alternative tool provide that we don’t? / What makes this alternative more attractive than our product or service?]
We genuinely want to offer our customers the best possible [experience/product/service], so we can assure you that we will act upon the information you provide us with.
Looking forward to continuing this discussion with you!
Hey there! We appreciate the fact that you use our knowledge base regularly and want to share your opinions and thoughts.
However, this portal operates based on some clear [terms and conditions/internal rules/regulations].
It’s not a place for aggressive debates, arguments, or, even worse, discussions that lead to insulting other users.
That’s why I need to ask you not to continue responding to this thread. Also, if you plan to engage in any other discussions, please do so according to our rules.
Let me summarize the outcome of your conversation: [summary – listing the essential points from the thread that were written before the argument started].
Now that the issue has been summarized, this topic will be closed and you won’t be able to add new comments. I hope you understand this decision.
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Ne, ni potrebno, da se vaši predstavniki vključijo v vsako diskusijo na forumih za stranke ali v bazi znanja. Baza znanja se smatra kot “samopostrežno orodje za stranke” z razlogom. Organizirana naj bi bila na način, da daje uporabnikom možnost, da se bolj neodvisno izobražujejo in iščejo podatke. Ko se želijo posvetovati o čem ali iščejo druga mnenja, lahko odprejo novo nit v pogovoru in kontaktirajo druge uporabnike ali stranke.
Vaši predstavniki naj olajšajo te procese in se vmešajo le, če ugotovijo, da uporabnik ni dobil iskane informacije ali mu drugi dajejo napačne ali zavajajoče podatke, morda pa gre diskusija preprosto v napačno smer.
Yes, it’s always a good idea to write down rules or conditions that knowledge base users must follow in order to use the resources and information gathered there. Transparent rules will make it easier for your agents to manage the knowledge base and react to unwanted behavior. And remember that, without proper moderation, a knowledge base or customer portal, like any other resource co-created by users, may quickly become chaotic and turn into an unorganized mass of different threads and discussions.
Clear do’s and don’ts will eliminate the number of cases where your representatives don’t know how to react or are unsure whether they should engage in a discussion, intervene, or not. As a result, your knowledge base will be better organized and easier to use for your customers. You own your company’s knowledge repository, which is why you have the right to impose some regulations and expect customers to obey them.
Kot smo omenili zgoraj, je baza znanja vaša in dovolite uporabo svojim strankam, vendar mora biti prav vse skladno s vašimi pogoji. Da preprečite situacijo, ko neka stranka stalno reagira na socialno neprimeren način, je groba, žaljiva ali stalno argumentira, ustvarite spisek neželjenega obnašanja, ki ne bo tolerirano.
Ko ustvarjate pogoje uporabe baze znanja (ali kakorkoli že imenujete spisek dovoljenih in nedovoljenih reakcij), posebej poudarite akcije, ki bodo sprožile moderatorjev odziv in v najhujših primerih tudi blokiranje in odstranitvijo strank iz foruma. Naredite vse, da skomunicirate s strankami ta pravila, preden začnejo uporabljati portal, nato pa se le prepričajte, da uporabniki sledijo tem pravilom.
Uvod v interakcije s strankami
Razvijanje dobrih odnosov s strankami prek interakcij s strankami lahko igra ključno vlogo pri določanju položaja vaše blagovne znamke na trgu.
Storitve za stranke na družbenih omrežjih
Družbeni mediji so popolnoma spremenili delovanje storitev za stranke. Celoten cikel potencialnih strank-strank se začenja videti nekoliko drugače.
Mehke veščine pri delu s strankami
Mehke veščine pri delu s strankami so ključne za zagotavljanje odlične izkušnje. LiveAgent ponuja rešitev za pomoč uporabnikom s kombiniranjem vseh komunikacijskih kanalov na enem mestu. Try it today!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Naša spletna stran uporablja piškotke. Z nadaljevanjem uporabe te strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov, kot je navedeno v našem pravilnik o zasebnosti in piškotkih.
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team